Barneo News #2

It is a great day! And the guys did excellent work!

Everything was very quickly (for us): at 2.40 am Moscow time the helicopters flew to the Zhalyuzi-1 point (86º45’N 095º57’W) and the Il-76 with the fuel for them started from Murmansk for the same destination. The airdrop was a success and the Il-76 set off to the Zhalyuzi-2 where nine men parachuted together with fuel. Having refueled, at 1.30 pm the helicopters also went to the
Zhalyuzi-2 (89º24’N 135ºW), and at 3 pm the Il-76 returned to Murmansk. Temperature: -20ºС, no wind, clear sky.

Today the guys have to gather all barrels of fuel, settle down and rest. Tomorrow they will start the search for the ice floe suitable for Barneo.

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